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For Race Directors:
Benefits and Responsibilities
for MHRRC Races

MHRRC wants to ensure that all club races are competently managed and accurately scored so maintain our reputation as putting on good races.

In addition, if a race is covered by MHRRC/RRCA insurance (all races must be insured, but some are insured outside the club), RRCA requires specific conditions in order to insure a race.


  • Advertising: race is listed on the MHRRC schedule, Web site, newsletters at no cost to the race. Note: non-club races are also listed on the Web site as no cost.

  • Use of club equipment (e.g., clocks, tents, timers, computers, finish line chute, etc.).

  • Insurance through RRCA.

  • Results published to MHRRC Web site (although we also publish results from non-club races at no charge).

  • Experienced volunteers from club to help with race tasks on a volunteer basis.

  • Listing on the MHRRC shopping cart to collect pre-registrations paid for by credit card. Data can be easily imported into scoring software. Treasurer will write a check to the fund raising organization after bank reconciliation based on the fees collected through the shopping cart.

  • Use of chip timing systems. Note: under an agreement with the vendor, we will NOT use our chip timing equipment to score non-MHRRC races for profit.


  • Submit insurance forms to RRCA in a timely manner.

  • Schedule races as part of the annual scheduling process, usually in the fall for the upcoming races. We can make exceptions, but it is rare.

  • New races must be approved by club president, in consultation with key club officers.

  • Submit all expenses and receipts to club treasurer on a timely basis.

  • Ensure all data on the MHRRC Web site is accurate for your race: race flyers, calendar, and shopping cart.

  • Accurately measure and mark course.

  • Provide traffic control and course director volunteers.

  • Provide volunteers for race day registration, packet pick-up and awards.

  • Provide water on course and refreshments after the race.

  • Provide awards.

  • Arrange for a club-approved scorer and for finish line manager.

  • Pick-up all equipment and return it in good working order within a week of a race.

  • If possible, conform to MHRRC pricing recommendations (currently, MHRRC members get a $2 discount on races if registering through the shopping cart). Exceptions must be approved by club president.

  •  Allow MHRRC race director) and other officers to register for free races through the shopping cart. Currently, only the race directors who give race profits to the club rather than to a fundraising organization receive free races. In addition, a few members who make major volunteer contributions to the club are eligible for free races, such as the newsletter editor and Web master.

  • Adhere to MHRRC kids run pricing (in 2010, all kids races were free if preregistered through the shopping cart – this will probably continue in 2011). Fundraising races were reimbursed by the club for the number/price of kids in the 2009 races).

  • Shopping cart registrations and chip timed races cost the club about $3.00 per runner. For now, the club has been picking up these expenses and not passing them on to the fundraising race – actually a donation to the chosen fundraising organization. Club will regularly evaluate this policy to see if we can continue supporting the fundraising races this way. Fundraising races do encourage running in line with our mission, because many people try running to support a favorite cause.

RRCA Requirements for Club Races (from RRCA Web site)

A club managed race is one in which the club can answer “yes” to all the following questions:

  • Does the club list the race on its calendar and discuss its status at board meetings?

  • If the club is a nonprofit organization, is the race referred to in club minutes as a club owned race?

  • Is the club involved at each planning stage of the race?

  • Does the club train and supervise the volunteers on the course, at the aid stations, and at the start and finish of the race?

  • Do the registration and sponsorship funds run through the club’s bank account?

  • Is the club responsible for overseeing the safety and risk management of the race?

  • Could the organization being assisted possibly be named in a lawsuit arising from an incident occurring at the race?

  • Does the club name appear in the race name? For example, “Road Runners Club 5K Run for Heart Health”?

While the RRCA does not want to discourage member clubs from assisting other organizations with race directing services, it is important that the club does not extend its insurance to races that it does not own and is not integrally and directly involved with.

©2025 by Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club. Proudly created with

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